Our Diocese
St. Peter’s is a congregation in the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains, of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).
Our global Anglican affiliations foster Christian unity with a worldwide fellowship of believers. With our leaders who met at the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Jerusalem in June 2018, we seek to always be about “Proclaiming Christ Faithfully to the Nations.” The implications of this charge are explained in this GAFCON letter to the churches.

Pastoral Staff
Father Michael A Smith
Father Michael Smith was ordained as an Anglican priest in 2016, but has ministered in worship related roles for more than thirty years. A cradle Episcopalian, Father Michael launched into interdenominational ministries in 1987 with Covenant Players, a theatrical ministry. He met his wife, Heather-Beth, in CP; their common Anglican roots were part of their initial bond. Michael continued to serve in Presbyterian, Baptist, Christian Reformed, and various non-denominational ministries up until 2010, when he began his journey back into Anglicanism.
“I was mostly fulfilled in my ministry life, but somehow felt there was still a piece missing,” Father Michael recounts. “At last the Lord has drawn me back to Anglican liturgy and worship, helping me to realize that this was a vital part of my worldview since my earliest days. It’s always been a part of my design in ministry and my identity in Christ.”
The study and practice of worship has been a primary focus in Father Michael’s ministry and life. For him, worship is about much more than music and singing – it’s about consistent connection to the presence of God.
“In our work, our play, our rising and our resting, we always need to be mindful of His presence, listening for His voice. We are created to glorify God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Everything we do should honor Him.”
Rev. Dan Clark, Deacon
Deacon Dan was a founding members of St Peter’s: at that time a lay leader. He served nearly 30 years in the USAF, mostly as a nuclear missile officer. He then worked for 15 years as an environmental consultant in the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. During those years, Dan served in many church roles (Chorister, Lay Reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Cursillo Organizer, Marriage Encounter Leader, Warden, Diocesan Council Member, House of Bishops Representative, etc.) in many different places (SD, WY, CA, NE, VA, Belgium, AL and Italy).
Dan completed the four year Education for Ministry program offered by the University of the South at Sewanee; following additional discernment/preparation, he was ordained Deacon by Bishop David Anderson under the authority of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America.
Dan’s ministry now includes supporting a variety of programs at St Peter’s; as well as serving as an associate chaplain at the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, mentoring and participating in the “No Veteran Dies Alone” program at the local Veteran’s Administration Hospital, and a chaplaincy program for the Cheyenne Police Department.
Rev. Marge Marcewicz, Deacon
Deacon Marge is another founding member of St. Peter’s Church. She completed her four year Education for Ministry program and was ordained Deacon under the authority of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America. Marge has also served as a church teacher, Lay Reader and Lay Eucharistic Minister.
She served over 15 years as an Laramie County Community College campus chaplain, under the auspices of the Wyoming Ministry in Higher Education. She served more than 8 years as a Cheyenne hospital chaplain, and led monthly services at the east campus of the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center.
She has had many years of joyful service as the leader of large and small church altar guilds. “It is my Lord who led me to this: serving the Father, and being there for His people. Prayer is such a central part of this ministry, where I recognize God hearing and answering His people… I deeply understand that God is real and He answers prayer.”
Deacon Marge’s experiences have let her see that God is present, and He heals; she sustains a regular ministry of prayer with others, through the good and the traumatic times of life.